The Impact of a Barnabas

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by Kyle Vladevich/ on 01 Mar 2024

The Impact of a Barnabas

In 2014 I walked into Teen Challenge as a broken, lost, and angry young man. The only hope that I had for my life was that my anger towards God fueled my desire to know if He was real or not. I was 22 years old when I met Larry Andrews.

We first met when he hired a group of men at Teen Challenge to rake up the Fall leaves in his yard. We laughed and joked that afternoon. Larry made me feel like I wasn’t alone in the world. At this point in my life, I was learning how to discern the Holy Spirit’s voice and He told me to ask Larry to be my Barnabas mentor one night at the Wednesday night men’s group. I remember thinking “Well, ok, but I’m not looking for a grandfather figure in my life”. I obeyed Him. That act of obedience led to a significant and enduring friendship for almost 10 years now.

Larry Andrews, my Barnabas, walked through the fire with me. He was there for me when most left. When Larry had nothing to gain from continuing the journey with me. He continued to do so out of his love for Jesus and his love for me. Larry has been one of the most structured and authentic relationships I’ve ever experienced.

To bring this to a close seems inappropriate. I could endlessly write about my relationship with Larry Andrews. I hope these words encourage someone else to be the Larry Andrews Barnabas the world needs. To show the love of Yeshua, one Barnabas at a time.